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Mineral schungite.
The main activity of the company "Ecoproduct" is comminution of food and non-food products.
The site of the company "Ecoproduct» -
The site of the company "Ecoproduct" in China -
Site about mineral shungite http://xn--c1aknwb3a.xn--p1ai/
Especially popular product of our company is crushed mineral shungite deposit is situated in Karelia and the Republic of Kazakhstan, which has amazing properties that are able to positively affect people and the environment. Code 2514000000.
In the mineral shungite it has many useful minerals. Additionally, shungite acts as an antiseptic.
When added to animal feed 1 - 3 %% mineral shungite the size fraction 0 - 3 mm, obtained by high performance feed for poultry, cattle, pigs and fish. When used in the production of animal feed, animals, birds and fish hardly get sick, the period of growth before the presentation birds, animals and fish is reduced from 15 to 30%. Increased fertility of offspring by 12%. Increases milk production in animals by an average of 15%. The bird increases egg production and egg shell thickness. Similarly, mineral shungite can be used as a feed additive.
When you add in the open ground fines shungit 1 - 3 millimeters in the form of fertilizer, when planting potatoes and vegetables, the yield of these crops increased to 30% in dry years, potato yield increased to 70%. During the growth of almost no infestation and disease in these crops. In the course of the use of water, purified mineral shungite, when growing vegetables in greenhouses, vegetable yield increased to 30%. Increases the resistance of plants to various diseases.
As a result of research conducted in the Republic of Kazakhstan, it was found that in some farms using mineral shungite under crops, the yield of these crops increased by 80%.
Shungite can be used for fertilizing houseplants, vegetables, fruit, wild trees and shrubs.
In the soil of indoor plants contribute 10 grams of schungite crumbs 1 kg of substrate. For fruit trees, vegetables and shrubs make 10 grams per square meter 1. Use of shungite, as practice shows, increases productivity by 20-40%.
The population living near mine mineral shungite, clean water for a long time, and according to the mineral used in everyday life. As a result, the life expectancy of the population on average 12% higher than the rest of the people living in this region.
Water purification with the mineral shungite and mineralized strukturilizuetsya. In addition, it is cleaned up state spring waters.
Mineral schungite purifies water. Kazakhstan has been an ecological disaster on the river. Mineral schungite cleared all chemistry. Mineral schungite cures for many diseases.
Water infused with mineral shungite treat 100% of patients:
Eczema - 100%, atopic dermatitis - 100%, exudative psoriasis - 75% pyoderma - 100%
Sores - 100% Pure wound surface - 100%
In addition, Vodicka, infused with mineral shungite treats:
Gallstone disease, asthma, kidney disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, gastritis, diabetes, and dyspepsia.
I gave samples to China, they did study the mineral shungite. And confirm the cure. In addition, they said that 7 people with cancer at an early stage, they are cured 5 people. They also said that this water has healing properties and rejuvenates the skin. You can send me your email, I will send you all the information about the mineral shungite.
In shungit found giant fullerenes, such that there Allendskom meteorite.
Mineral schungite able during the year to clear the water from the Gulf of Mexico oil production.
The company Ecoproduct, prepared using mineral shungite clean ponds, drains, rivers and the sea, all the pollution from oil and other chemical contaminants. 100% Guarantee.
Skype: bhbyf201230
+ 7-918-939-69-50
The site of the company "Ecoproduct» -

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